
Club Rides back on.

from 2:00pm Sun, 8 Nov 2020
to 1:30pm Mon, 30 Nov 2020

by Graham Porteous
Posted: over 4 years ago
Updated: almost 4 years ago by Graham Porteous
Visible to: public

Time zone: Melbourne
Reminder: Starting time
Ends: 1:30pm Monday 30 November 2020 (duration is 22 days)

Update 8 November
The 25 km limit has been removed as has the ‘ring of steel’ separating Metro Melbourne and Regional Vic. The restrictions re riding in groups of no more than 10 remains in place. So all club rides are back on without modification unless you choose to do so on the day! Masks and social distancing etc still apply for now.

Update October 26
After the brain fart of Sunday, the easing of restrictions now means that our club rides can resume. There are some controls. Ie no more than 10 in a group, social distancing at cafes etc. Given the last time we had to do this I’m sure we’ll be fine. I’ll let Peter weave his magic in posting Saturday rides. Sundays are already up. Look forward to seeing you all this weekend! Don’t forget your mask.
Details of all restrictions are in the links below.

Info Update October 20
No formal club rides this week but I’d encourage you to buddy up with someone from the club and do the scheduled weekend club rides (or a slight variation on it). Start at the usual times to get back in to the routine. Saturday is week 4 and Sunday is via Warrandyte and Eltham. Coffee stops could be as per the route. Don’t forget your masks.

Info Update October 18

Some very notable changes today not just for cycling but for us all generally. It’s certainly welcome. I’ve attached the list at the link below. For cycling:
A 25km radius travel bubble from your home now applies but no restrictions on time spent exercising. This for most of us will include all the Dandenongs and much of Yarra Glen and across through hurst bridge and over to South Morang. The Age has a great link that you can type your address in and see where you can go.
The other issue is that you are still restricted to only riding with one other person until Nov 1 where it will increase to 10 people.
So no formal club rides at this stage but I’m sure we’ll be seeing a bit of each other in the hills this week!

Info Update 4 September 27

No real changes except for one. Still the 2 hour/5 km limit until the numbers drop further. Looks like things are heading in the right direction. BUT I note you now must carry a proper mask when you’re out and about. Scarves, bandannas and neck socks etc don’t cut the mustard although you can still wear. Easy to stuff a mask in your jersey pocket. Stay safe. Brighter days ahead!

Info Update 3 September 7

Hi all, unfortunately not too many changes from a riding perspective. Assuming all goes according to the roadmap/plan Steps 1 and 2 are the same. From September 14 to October 26 (Steps 1 and 2) you’ll be permitted to exercise for up to 2 hours per day but still within the 5km radius.

Info Update 2 August (no. 2)

Stage 4 restrictions have come into force. Firstly please take care and look after yourselves and your family. The next few weeks will be tough for many.
In relation to cycling, there isn’t yet a specific mention but any form of exercise has been restricted to a 5km radius from your home for a maximum of 1hour per day and only once per day. The Age has a handy link to a GPS tracker that can tell you how far you can go.
The next link has a post from Premier Andrews Twitter feed with a formal list of all new restrictions
I will update if I get any more specific info (eg can you ride to work if you are an essential service?).
For now, lots of indoor training and getting dizzy around your local streets. If nothing else at least it puts a parameter around what you can do
Stay safe.

Info update 20 July re masks (thanks Bob for the link). The outcome is keep it local….

Info update 19 July. Face masks

Info Update 16 July:
there’s a lot of discussion about the new info where how far from home you can exercise. the link on the DHHS website says thus:

Can I leave the house to do exercise outdoors?

Yes. In metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire you can leave your home to exercise outdoors in a public space, either alone, with members of your household or with one other person outside your household.

This includes walking, running, hiking, bike riding, surfing, kayaking and other types of exercise such as yoga in the park.

In order to help slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) across the state, you cannot leave metropolitan Melbourne or Mitchell Shire to exercise.If you live outside of metropolitan Melbourne or Mitchell Shire you cannot enter these areas for the purpose of exercise or recreation.

While exercising with people outside your household, you should keep at least 1.5 metres between yourself and others.

You should also stay close to home and use common sense and consideration when it comes to these activities.

The last para is key but not really helpful. I cant advise what close to home means. Suffice to say be careful where and how far you go

Info update 14 July:
Just a reminder that if you’re planning to ride north to check the Melbourne metro boundary eg The boundary finishes about 1km before kinglake, Toolangi is outside the boundary so you can’t do that loop from Healesville up chum creek/ Myers creek. $1652 is a lot to pay for not double checking. The Age has a really good map

Update as at 7 July:

Well never a dull moment. Back to a Stage 3 lockdown and 4 reasons for leaving your home. Exercise outside of Metro Melbourne if you live in Metro Melbourne is not permitted. Ive attached the link to what that metro Melbourne constitutes. Keep an eye on the DHHS website for updates.

This will also mean that club rides as a group will again be suspended until further notice. I’d encourage you to get out and about if you can.

As conditions change I’ll update as required. Keep an eye on announcements and be sensible.

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  • [2020-Nov-08 01:33 PM] Graham Porteous: Updated